Routing and Navigation
In our frontend application, we use React Router for handling routing and navigation. React Router is a popular routing library for React applications that provides declarative routing capabilities.
To install React Router Dom, you can use npm or yarn:
_10npm install react-router-dom_10_10or_10_10yarn add react-router-dom
Building our Role-based access component
To build our Role-based access component, we’ll follow this process;
When an employee signs in, the employee’s role and JWT token are stored in the Auth state.
When this employee requests access to a protected route, our role-based access component will access the Auth state and retrieve the employee’s role.
The employee’s role will then be cross-checked with an array containing the required roles for that route.
If the user’s role matches the required role, access is granted, else access will be denied.
Here’s the code for this;
_20import { useLocation, Navigate, Outlet } from "react-router-dom";_20import { useContext } from "react";_20import AuthContext from "../Context/authProvider";_20_20import React from "react";_20_20const Auth = ({ allowedRoles }) => {_20 const { auth } = useContext(AuthContext);_20 const location = useLocation();_20_20 return allowedRoles.find((role) => auth.role.includes(role)) ? (_20 <Outlet />_20 ) : auth?.name ? (_20 <Navigate to="/unauthorized" state={{ from: location }} replace />_20 ) : (_20 <Navigate to="/register" state={{ from: location }} replace />_20 );_20};_20_20export default Auth;
With this done, we’ll wrap each protected route with this component and pass to this component the required role for each page;
_30import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';_30import Home from './components/Home';_30import About from './components/About';_30import Contact from './components/Contact';_30import NotFound from './components/NotFound';_30_30const App = () => {_30 return (_30 <Routes>_30 <Route path="/" element={<Layout />}>_30 <Route path="/linkpage" element={<LinkPage />} />_30 <Route path="/register" element={<Register />} />_30 <Route path="/signin" element={<Signin />} />_30 <Route path="/unauthorized" element={<Unauthorized />} />_30 <Route path="/home" element={<Home />} />_30 <Route element={<Auth allowedRoles={["marketer"]} />}>_30 <Route path="/marketers-only" element={<MarketersPage />} />_30 </Route>_30 <Route element={<Auth allowedRoles={["se"]} />}>_30 <Route path="/se-only" element={<SEPage />} />_30 </Route>_30 <Route element={<Auth allowedRoles={["se"]} />}>_30 <Route path="/hr-Only" element={<HRPage />} />_30 </Route>_30 </Route>_30</Routes>;_30 );_30};_30_30export default App;
With these done, every group has access to only their specific route.